California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
CPI 260™
The CPI 260 ™ instrument was designed specifically for training and development. This instrument contains 260 items carefully selected to identify an individual’s strengths and areas for development. The CPI 260 instrument can be used to help your organization with a variety of leadership and management development applications. This tool is highly effective for one on one or group coaching, leadership development, management training programs, and performance improvement initiatives.
Leadership & Management Development Tool
Time: 30 minutes
Items: 260
Scoring: online
- Client Feedback Report (9 pages)
This report provides a snapshot of an individual’s scores on the CPI 260 instrument using an easy-to-understand graphic format.
- Coaching Report for Leader (17 pages)
Created for individuals at all levels of leadership in today’s organizations, the Coaching Report for Leaders will help your clients and employees better understand their preferences, attitudes, and behaviours in key dimensions of management and leadership.
CPI™ 434
The California Psychological Inventory ™ (CPI ™) instrument provides a complex yet highly accurate portrait of an individual’s professional and personal styles. For more than 50 years, coaches, counsellors, and human resource experts have trusted this powerful assessment tool to help them create efficient and productive organizations, promote teamwork, build leadership competencies, and find and develop employees who are destined for success.
Time: 45–60 minutes
Items: 434
Scoring: mail-in or online
- CPI™ 434 Profile (5 pages)
The CPI ™ Profile is a clear and organized presentation of your client’s CPI type, level, and Folk Scales scores. It provides a snapshot of CPI 434 results, highlighting the important elements, which allows for quick and easy interpretation. The organization of the Profile saves you time by providing all the information you need to prepare your own narrative interpretation for the client.
- Narrative Report (15 pages)
This comprehensive report provides you with a well-organized narrative interpretation of your client’s CPI 434 results. It includes a Profile of your client’s CPI type, level, and Folk Scales results, and then elaborates on that information in narrative form for a comprehensive CPI interpretation. The Narrative Report includes all 100 California Q-sort items, from the most descriptive to the least descriptive, which make predictive statements about your client’s behaviour to aid your interpretation, helping you describe your client in a close, knowledgeable, and objective manner.
- Configural Analysis Report (16 pages)
Beginning with the five parts of the CPI ™ Narrative Report -type and level information, Folk Scales plots for gender and total/combined norms, individual Folk Scales in a narrative format, and a personalized ranking of the 100 Q-sort items-the Configural Analysis Report builds on that information by providing two types of interpretations based on combinations of scales: (1) empirical analyses derived from research; and (2) speculative analyses derived from interpretations by the author or his colleagues.
Customer Service AP
Identify candidates suited to customer service work
Evaluate Candidates Customer Service Aptitude Profile
The Customer Service AP evaluates the applicant in terms of: customer service strengths, potential strengths, and areas that need development. Validity scales identify applicants who have an unusually positive or unusually negative style of self-presentation—and the scores of those applicants are automatically adjusted. In addition, the report includes recommendations for training and motivation. This assessment will help you evaluate candidates applying for customer service positions as well as identify training/motivational needs for current employees.
Time: 20 minutes
Items: 140
Scoring: online
- Customer Service AP Profile (10 pages)
The Customer Service AP report outlines the strengths and weaknesses of applicants. Includes detailed feedback on customer service and inside sales characteristics, sales success characteristics, motivation and achievement characteristics, work and interpersonal strengths.
Sales AP
Sales Test
Sales Achievement Predictor
Identify effective salespeople before you make hiring, placement, and training decisions
Many things are not apparent in an interview or resumé— inhibitions about cold calling, reluctance to ask for a sale, or poor motivation to follow through once on the job. The SalesAP will measure these traits. Validated against actual sales performance this assessment will help you find the right person for the job.
The SalesAP is an objective measure of characteristics that are critical for success in sales. The test has separate measures for overall sales disposition, cold calling, and sales closing, in addition to many characteristics related to sales potential and performance such as assertiveness, personal diplomacy, and patience.
Time: 20 minutes
Items: 140
Scoring: online
- SalesAP Profile (9 pages)
The SalesAP Report details characteristics that are critical for success in sales. The report has separate sections for overall sales disposition, cold calling, and sales closing, in addition to many characteristics related to sales potential and performance such as assertiveness, personal diplomacy, and patience.
Stress Profile
Stress Assessment – Measure Traits and Habits that Moderate Stress-Illness Relationship
Identify characteristics and behaviours that protect against or contribute to stress
The Stress Profile quickly identifies individual characteristics and behaviours that protect against or contribute to stress. Use this tool within organizational settings as part of wellness, stress management, and health promotion programs. Because it is quick and easy to administer, the Stress Profile is ideal for routine use in organizations, outpatient clinics, hospitals, and medical practices.
Time: 20 minutes
Items: 123
Scoring: online
- Stress Profile (10 pages)
This report is a confidential summary of an individual’s Stress Profile, It measures a variety of factors that may affect an individual’s physical health and psychological well-being.
This profile outlines scores on the: Stress, Health Habits (including Exercise, Sleep/Relaxation, Prevention, and Eating/Nutrition), Social Support Network, Type A Behaviour, Cognitive Hardiness, Coping Style (including Positive Appraisal, Negative Appraisal, Threat Minimization, and Problem-Focused Coping), and Psychological Well-Being.
Employee Reliability Inventory
Identify high risk candidates
Risk Management Tool for Employee Selection
The ERI is a risk management tool that helps you determine which individuals are most likely to become valued employees rather than organizational liabilities. The ERI will determine whether a candidate is low-risk or high-risk based on seven different scales. The ERI results are designed to assist you in reducing: Turnover, Absenteeism, Work-related accidents, and Theft.
Time: 20 minutes
Items: 81
Scoring: online
- ERI Report (1 page)
The report measures: freedom from disrupted job performance, courtesy, emotional maturity, conscientiousness, trustworthiness, job commitment, and safety.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour ™ Assessment
Team Building, Individual Development, Leadership Development
Unlock the mysteries of human interaction at work and personal life
For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour ™ (FIRO-B ®) assessment has helped people around the world unlock the mysteries of human interaction at work and in their personal life. This instrument quickly gathers critical insights into how an individual’s needs for inclusion, control, and affection can shape his or her interactions with others.
Ideal for use in one-on-one coaching, small groups, or teams, the FIRO-B tool kit includes a number of narrative and graphic reports, a technical guide, booklets, and other resources that highlight ways to use the assessment as an integral part of team-building initiatives, management training programs, and communication workshops.
Time: 15 minutes
Items: 54
Scoring: mail-in, self-scorable or online
- FIRO-B Profile (2 pages)
This Profile report offers a summary of your client’s FIRO-B results— conveniently presented in the familiar FIRO-B grid format—enabling you to tailor interpretation and feedback sessions to the client’s needs. The Profile can be used as a stand-alone report or in conjunction with the FIRO-B ® Interpretive Report for Organizations.
- Interpretive Report for Organization (13 pages)
The FIRO-B ® Interpretive Report for Organizations provides a narrative report for your clients who are looking for ways to improve their effectiveness in the business setting. The report includes FIRO-B results and how they relate to the world of work, and a list of factors that can influence scores to aid interpretation.
- Leadership Report Using FIRO-B ® and MBTI ® Instrument (17 pages)
The FIRO-B and MBTI instruments tap into key aspects of personality and behaviour in areas such as communication, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal relations. The instruments are also quite distinct, each providing a view through a different window of the client’s leadership personality. Together, they complement each other and provide rich information of use in a personal, ongoing leadership development program.
FIRO Business™
Helps organizations develop great leaders, while improving organizational performance
Develop great leaders while improving organizational performance
For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation TM (FIRO ®) approach has helped people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication styles and behaviour. Building on the history and reliability of the FIRO model, the FIRO Business TM assessment addresses the specific requirements of organizations. The FIRO Business assessment helps you develop great leaders while improving organizational performance. It is particularly valuable to businesses because it quickly gathers key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities.
And because it can be used in combination with other solutions and in a variety of settings – including multinational business – the FIRO Business assessment is ideal as an integral part of your leadership development initiatives. It can also help you address your coaching, team-building, and conflict management objectives.
Time: 8 minutes
Items: 30
Scoring: online
- FIRO Business™ Profile (5 pages)
The FIRO Business™ Profile measures Expressed and Wanted interpersonal needs in three areas that affect work relationships: Involvement, Influence and Connection. The FIRO Business assessment helps organizations develop great leaders, while improving organizational performance. The FIRO Business™ Profile provides a basic summary of the FIRO Business assessment results and is useful in business applications such as communication workshops and team building.
- Leadership report (13 pages)
The FIRO Business™ Leadership Report is particularly valuable to businesses because it presents key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities. The report is a must-use tool for leadership development and executive coaching.
- Leadership report with FIRO business™ Profile (17 pages)
The FIRO Business™ Leadership Report is particularly valuable to businesses because it presents key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities.
The FIRO Business™ Profile provides a basic summary of the FIRO Business assessment results and is useful in business applications such as communication workshops and team building.
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
Identifies conflict-handling styles that affect personal and group dynamics
Team Building, Individual Development
Tools to resolve conflict
The TKI is a powerful assessment that examines how conflict handling styles affect personal and group dynamics. Depersonalize conflict in your organization so you can focus on achieving share goals and business outcomes. The TKI can help your organization: improve productivity and performance; develop better working relationships; make faster decisions; and reduce stress levels.
The TKI will help you identify an individual’s preferred method of dealing with conflict; help people understand how others try to resolve conflict and teach skills to identify more appropriate methods of conflict resolution.
Time: 15 minutes
Items: 30
Scoring: self-scorable or online
- Conflict Mode Instrument Profile and Interpretive Report (10 pages)
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Profile and Interpretive Report follows the same basic format as the best-selling paper-and-pencil version but is tailored specifically to each individual participant. Each personalized report shows graphically how the participant uses the five conflict-handling modes: Competing, Collaborating, Compromising, Avoiding and Accommodating. The report offers specific suggestions to help him or her understand the pluses and minuses of a particular conflict-handling style, with suggestions for considering alternative approaches.
Work Engagement Profile
Improve your organization’s bottom line through increased employee engagement
Leadership Development, Career Guidance
Two kinds of factors shape employee engagement: extrinsic rewards, such as pay, benefits, promotions, awards, and so on; and intrinsic rewards—psychological rewards that fuel engagement by providing a positive emotional charge. The Work Engagement Profile uniquely focuses on measuring intrinsic rewards and providing insights that can directly affect your organization’s bottom line because it addresses work engagement at the core level—the employee’s feelings about the work itself.
Time: 10-12 minutes
Items: 24
Scoring: online
- Work Engagement Interpretive report (15 pages)
The Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report measures four intrinsic rewards—meaningfulness, choice, competence, and progress—that individuals receive directly from their work. Interpretive information for the scores of each intrinsic reward includes building blocks for improving and strengthening that reward. The Interpretive Report concludes with a detailed Action Plan worksheet for developmental planning.
Work Personality Index (WPI)
Measures 17 personality traits related to job performance
Employee Selection, Career Directions, Team Building, Individual Development, Leadership Development
The WPI provides a valid and dependable measure of personality that directly influence a person’s work performance and task effectiveness. Based on a model of 17 personality traits the WPI helps describe an individual’s style in terms of job related strengths and weaknesses. These reports provide valuable information to assist with personnel selection, succession planning, leadership development, and coaching.
Time: 20 minutes
Items: 153
Scoring: mail-in or online
- WPI Select Report (6 pages)
Designed to guide personnel selection decisions. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s typical work behaviour. A convenient one-page profile and six pages of narrative report, ensures you receive a thorough description of a candidate’s approach work.
- WPI Career Transition Report (21 pages)
Provides insight into an individual’s personality traits, the kinds of work they enjoy, and how they can manage career change. It describes an individual’s work style, their approach to solving problems, managing change, and dealing with stress. The report provides exercises to help people understand their work strengths and develop a plan for changing careers.
- WPI Personal Effectiveness Report (12 pages)
Designed for personal development, team building, and coaching. It describes an individual’s preferences and strengths; and suggests techniques for increasing effectiveness in work settings. The report describes how an individual works with others, approaches tasks, solves problems, manages change, and deals with stress.
- WPI JOB MATCH SYSTEM — Job Match Report (6 pages)
(Requires Job Match, Set-up)
Matching people with jobs has never been easier. Our convenient and flexible system allows you to customize the WPI for different occupations in your organization.
First, you specify the personality characteristics necessary for effective job performance in a specific occupation by completing a Trait Specification Form . Second, a profile for the occupation is created called a Job Match Profile .
The Job Match System then provides you with a Job Match Report describing your candidate’s overall fit.
- WPI Leadership Competency Report (20 pages)
Designed as a tool for professional growth. This report describes key features of an individual’s personal style that influence their approach to tasks, ways of interacting with people, and performance at work. It contains interpretive notes that are useful for increasing leadership effectiveness and highlights the competencies generally associated with each personality trait.