People Tune-up
Dr. Wilson presents a short seminar on Human Psychology for Business
Time: two 45 minute sessions or one hour and a half session.
Human Psychology for business as offered by Dr. Wilson introduces the participant to the concepts of human psychology as well as the field of psychometrics and psychometric assessments suitable for business. The concepts of human psychology developed in the course include personality, thinking, behaviour, motivation, and decision-making. All these aspects of human psychology are supported by reference to current psychological theory and research.
The material in this seminar is appropriate for all individuals, and the business aspect is particularly relevant to managers, executives, and Human Resource and Human Capital specialists.
A good understanding of human psychology is an essential aspect of human capital management. In a service economy, human capital is the most critical resource.
The benefits of understanding human psychology include: Improved Self Esteem; Improved Communication; Greater Trust; Improved Problem Solving; Improved Customer Service; Improved Money Management; Improved Sales Performance; Improved Conflict Resolution; Improved Team Performance; Improved Leadership; Better Training; Lower Frustration.
Personality, Thinking and Behaviour:
Time: 40 minute presentation
- What are they?
- What is the relationship between them?
- What is the importance to Business?
Integrating Personality, Thinking, or Behaviour assessments into a seminar/workshop makes for a great team building and learning experience.